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Fundations systematically and comprehensively instructs students in phonemic awareness and word study (both phonetic and high frequency/sight words) and contributes greatly to fluency, vocabulary development, and the applications of strategies for understanding text. Additionally, Fundations sets the foundation for writing by directly teaching handwriting, the study of English orthography for spelling, and the basic skills for capitalization and punctuation.

Concepts and skills addressed across the four program Levels include:

  • Reading/beginning reading skills and strategies:
    • Phonological awareness and phonemic awareness skills
    • Print awareness skills
    • Phonics and decoding
    • Word attack
  • Vocabulary development
    • Introduction of new words
    • Word-learning strategies
    • Academic vocabulary
  • Fluency
    • Accurate, fluent reading
    • Appropriate phrasing and expression
    • Rate
  • Comprehension (listening and written) strategies
    • Analyzing text and drawing conclusions/making inferences
    • Connecting text to personal experience and other text
  • Writing skills and conventions:
    • Spelling skills and conventions (rules and patterns)
    • Use of writing conventions such as use of capital and lowercase letters
    • Grammatical conventions in the use of tense (present tense, past tense, etc.)
    • Use of punctuation at the end of sentences